School Hours
AM 8:05-10:45 am (Same on Half Days) PM 11:50-2:30 pm (No Attendance on Half Days)
Welcome, Spring!
Hello Families!Happy Spring! Spring is always a fun time at Spaulding School. The children are enjoying the warmer weather and love to be outside. We are just loving our new playground! We try to utilize this space daily as the weather warms up. It’s hard to believe we just have about 8 weeks left of school. We have many fun activities coming up this spring that teachers will be sharing with you in their weekly newsletters. We will begin our “Pets” unit in Creative Curriculum. Our students will be having a lot of fun as they learn and continue to build relationships with each other.
We look forward to a great month ahead!
Mrs. Burke
District Links
School Boundaries
School boundaries are determined by address not by using a map which results in some inaccuracy in translation. If you live anywhere near a border be sure to call the school with your address to verify your home school.
About Our School
Welcome to Spaulding Early Childhood Center!
At Spaulding School we offer preschool educational services for children ages 3-5. We also provide services to children ages 0-3 and their families through our Best Start program. Here at Spaulding, we believe in fostering an early love for learning through play and developmentally appropriate hands on activities. We support all areas of children’s development including academic, cognitive, communication, motor and social skills.
We believe that building strong parent/family relationships help to increase a child’s success in school. At Spaulding we host many parent/family activities in addition to providing parent universities on relevant parenting topics.
If you have a preschool aged child and reside in Midlothian District 143, please call the office to schedule a screening. 708-385-4546.
We look forward to meeting your child and your family!
Preschool Screening